For adults in sheltered accommodation, we will discuss arrangements for regular wellbeing checks from our staff. This is something we will discuss with adults with support needs who are living in self-contained accommodation and who may not otherwise have daily contact with staff, professionals, family members or friends, and who are at higher risk of injury or severe ill health. The aim of these wellbeing checks is to ensure that we provide prompt support, including medical intervention, if needed.
We will keep a record of the wellbeing checks we have agreed to make. We keep the wellbeing checks under review through regularly monitoring individual consent agreements with tenants. We will also review the arrangements following any incident, safeguarding concern or other concern that may have an impact or result in a significant change in a tenant's health, safety and wellbeing.
We always assume that a tenant has mental capacity. However, where we believe a tenant does not have mental capacity, we work with the relevant agencies to assess their mental capacity using the Mental Capacity Act 2005 guiding principles.
We follow all relevant local procedures if we believe that a tenant is missing.