What would you like to apply for?
- Adult education courses
- Advertising board licence
- Alerts - sign up for planning or licensing email alerts
- Benefits - new claim
- Bins - remove my old dustbin
- Bins - apply for an assisted collection
- Bins - report a missed collection
- Birth certificate
- Blue badges
- Borough access permits
- Building control forms
- Building materials licence
- Building notice application
- Bulky waste collection
- Business grants
- Business and market traders parking permits
- Business rates registration or change of address
- Business rate reductions
- Business visitor access permit
- Canvasser staff recruitment
- Car spaces on estates
- Chestertons Polo in the Park ballot
- Children in employment and entertainment
- Christmas day lunch
- Consent to the distribution of free literature
- Council housing
- Council tax support claim
- Council tax direct debit
- Council tax discounts and reductions
- Council tax moving in or out of the borough
- Crane or cherry picker operator's licence
- Crossover applications
- Death certificate
- Doctors parking bay
- Dog walkers (professional)
- Donated benches scheme
- Disabled parking bay
- Disabled passes - see 'Freedom Passes'
- Discretionary housing payment (DHP)
- Filming application form (external website)
- Fire risk assessment
- Food business registration
- Food Hygiene Rating Scheme - request a re-score visit
- Fostering enquiry (external website)
- Freedom passes
- Free school meals
- Funding for the voluntary sector
- Healthy meals allowance
- Highways permits
- Hoarding licence
- Holiday activities alerts
- Houses in multiple occupation (HMO licence)
- Housing and homelessness advice
- Housing repairs
- Housing register
- Parking bay suspension
- Parking - challenge against penalty charge notice
- Parking permits application
- Personal licences
- Personal training in parks
- Planning applications
- Planning application advice
- Portable toilet cubicle permits
- Premises licences
- Property licence for landlords and letting agents
- Scaffolding licence
- School admissions
- School clothing grants
- Site hut permit
- Skip licence
- Small grants funding
- Smart sacks
- Student discount (council tax)
- Street party permit
- Street naming and numbering
If you do not find the form you are looking for here please see MyServices - Hammersmith & Fulham - My Account
If you need help finding a form or filling out a form or you have a technical problem, please email webmaster@lbhf.gov.uk and we will try to help you.