Joint housing protocol for care leavers - Appendix 2: Key contacts responsible for delivering the protocol

Amana Gordon
Operational Director of Children and Young People’s Services

Sarah Sanderson
Head of Children Looked After and Leaving Care Service

Mandy Ball
Team Manager (Leaving Care)

Sue Niemira
Team Manager (Leaving Care)

Sophie Veitch
Commissioning and Transformation Lead

Lourdes Debarry
Assistant Director of Housing Management

Ian Cartmell (Interim)
Head of Homelessness Prevention and Assessment

Stefan Bicknell
Housing Advice and Homelessness Manager

Madeline Cato
Housing Advice and Homelessness Manager

Adam Stephenson
Head of Allocations and Lettings

Mariana Stojanovic
Allocations and Voids Manager

Debbie Broughton
Senior Allocations and Letting Officer

Vacant position
Property and Place Manager

Joseph Pascual
H&F Link, Support and (Acting) Refugee Operations Manager

David Hughes
Rough Sleeping Coordinator

Vacant position
Care Leaver’s Housing Advisor

Sonia Meikle
Rental Income Manager (Welfare Benefits)

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