Joint housing protocol for care leavers - 4. Care leavers housing panel

The panel facilitates joint working between Children’s Services and Housing Management to assess the accommodation needs of young people leaving care and preparing to live independently.

The care leaver’s housing advisor attends the panel and a young person’s allocated social worker will attend the panel on behalf of the young person, providing insight on the young person’s readiness to live in their own accommodation and evidence that they have the necessary skills to maintain a tenancy, or would be able to live in their own accommodation if floating support were provided.

All proposed social housing nominations and proposals to secure accommodation in the private rented sector (PRS) will be brought to the Care Leavers’ Housing Panel by the young person’s social worker.

The young person will be expected to fill in an application for the panel, and provide further supporting information about their readiness for a tenancy such as a recommendation from their support worker or proof of finances and rent statement.

It is the responsibility of this panel to decide the most suitable accommodation that should be offered to them. To be brought to panel, the social worker must be confident that their young person is ready to take this step. Prior to applying for social housing or PRS accommodation, care leavers will need to demonstrate that they are ready to maintain a tenancy by:

  • completing the MyBnks and Preparation for Independence Living Skills booklet and workshops, and demonstrating these independence skills in their current accommodation
  • demonstrating the ability to manage their money well, including paying rent and service charge or bills on time, and to not be in arrears
  • evidencing being able to manage a tenancy, including being considerate to neighbours and not involved in anti-social behaviour, being able to book appointments for themselves and follow up on necessary tasks to support a clean and healthy living environment
  • being involved in education, employment or training, or working towards this with support of professionals.

Where the housing panel decides that the young person is not ready to manage independent accommodation, they will receive further training and support to move into a more suitable alternative accommodation or prior to returning to the panel in the future.

If the panel confirms that the young person is ready for independent accommodation, they will move into a final stage accommodation once available. The panel will use their judgement to recommend the best housing option for the young person.

There are 5 possible decisions for the panel to make, which can be summarised as to:

  • help the young person secure accommodation in the private rented sector
  • nominate the young person to join the Housing Register through the children leaving care (CLC) quota
  • refer the young person to supported housing
  • re-hear the young person’s case at a future date. This will be based on actions proposed by the Panel and to be integrated into a Pathway Plan
  • explore the possibility of a reciprocal nomination with another local authority.

For each young person, the panel will make a recommendation using the dedicated eligibility and assessment framework and the outcome recorded on the Care Leavers’ Housing Panel decision sheet. This will then be signed off by the panel chair and disseminated to panel members to be actioned as required.

Where required, the housing panel will include colleagues from other services to consider more complex issues for young people and where move on is more challenging. For these meetings, any relevant services are also invited to discuss the young person and feed into accommodation planning, such as the Gangs Violence and Exploitation Unit (GVEU) and Adult Social Care.

The care leaver’s housing advisor attends the panel to ensure they have oversight of accepted nominations, as well as providing advice and support for young people with more complex housing issues and those not ready for independent living.

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