Joint housing protocol for care leavers - 2. Transition planning

We are committed to offering access to safe, stable and suitable accommodation to our care-experienced young people that can meet their needs.

We recognise that many of our young people will not yet have all the skills we believe are important to successfully live independently by the time they reach 18, and so the plan to transition to their own accommodation is based upon a needs-led assessment. We therefore offer a range of accommodation options that can provide appropriate support and accommodation to meet varying needs.

As a corporate parent for our young people in and leaving care, Hammersmith & Fulham is responsible for supporting care leavers to transition to adulthood and independent living.

Our full duty toward our care leavers lasts until they are 21, with additional support provided if required up to the age of 25, and includes the following:

  • the care leaver local offer is available once the young person turns 16 years old and they will have an allocated social worker until the age of 21.
  • creating a pathway plan with the care leaver, in consultation with their wider network and other relevant professionals, which is 
    • tailored to the needs and goals of the young person, setting out the support required to transition successfully into adult life, and reviewed and amended as appropriate
    • completed before the young person turns 16. If they were over 16 when they came into care then this will be within 3 months of the date of them coming into care
    • updated and reviewed at least every 6 months or within 28 working days of any significant change to the plan to encourage continuous progress and a clear move on plan.
  • ensuring the care leaver applies for the benefits they are entitled to, and assisting with applications
  • assisting the care leaver to apply for a form of photograph identification (passport, driving licence)
  • assisting the care leaver to set up a bank account
  • working with the care leaver and other relevant agencies – including placement providers, mental health services, education and training providers, and benefits advisors – to prepare the young person for independence before they leave care and jointly plan for, and support them in, their transition to independent living
  • discussing contingency plans with the young person as part of the pathway planning process, particularly for young people at risk of homelessness. See further details in Section 12.

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