Joint housing protocol for care leavers - 10. Care Leavers living outside the borough, including when a care leaver is not safe in Hammersmith & Fulham

As a council, we only have direct access to social housing within Hammersmith & Fulham.

However, if a care leaver intends to settle out of the borough, the leaving care move-on officer should also contact the council where the young person resides to explore what accommodation options may be available in advance of them leaving care, including joining the local housing register.

If the young person is considering settling out of the borough due to concerns about their safety, the social worker should consider as to whether there are any areas in Hammersmith & Fulham where the young person may be safe and support them to access properties in specific parts of the borough.

The social worker can also work with the Housing Allocations team to explore reciprocal arrangements with other councils. The young person would still need to be approved by the Leaving Care Accommodation Panel for this to happen.

For young people who are settled out of the borough and plan to remain there, reciprocal arrangements should be considered as an option within the pathway planning process once the young person turns 18, as brokering these arrangements can take a considerable amount of time. 
For those affected by serious youth violence or other community safety risks, referrals can also be made to Safer London’s Pan-London Housing Reciprocal scheme.

Besides social housing, the young person could move into the private rented sector with support from the Property and Procurement team where needed. If the reason for them not staying in the borough is due to safety concerns, then the young person could consider making a homelessness application to another council of their choice.

The leaving care move-on officer will provide advice to the young person and their social worker on the options available to enable the young person to make an informed decision on their housing.

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