Joint housing protocol for care leavers - 9. Care leavers leaving custody

We recognise that young people leaving custody will need additional support to secure suitable accommodation on release.

Prior to release, a joint planning meeting should be held between the social worker, prison officer, resettlement officer (if there is one) and probation officer to identify accommodation needs early and ensure there is a clear accommodation plan in place.

The suitable accommodation options that may be provided to care leavers include:

  • supported accommodation
  • temporary accommodation
  • living with family or friends
  • private rented sector accommodation.

If the social worker assessment identifies that the young person’s needs would be best met through a placement by Children’s Services, this recommendation will be presented at the Care and Resources Panel 18+ for approval by the head of service for leaving care.

If it is decided that the young person will not be accommodated by Children’s Services and the young person is potentially threatened with homelessness on release, the probation officer should complete the Duty to Refer form and make the social worker aware.

This will then be picked up by the probation officer in homelessness prevention assessment who will work with the young person, their social worker, and the probation service to decide on the right accommodation and support required for the young person.

If a young person is subject to certain licensing conditions where they pose a risk in the community or are deemed too high a risk at multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA), probation will consider suitable accommodation in accordance with their license conditions.

Where a secure or introductory council tenant is on remand for a period of more than 12 months or imprisoned for more than 13 weeks (including any time on remand), and would therefore either accumulate rent arrears due to their Housing Benefit claim being suspended, they can voluntarily give up their tenancy.

On their release, discretion to retain Band 1 priority may be made in exceptional circumstances if the young person is under 25 and it can demonstrated that the young person is capable of maintaining a tenancy. For example if they had no issues in their tenancy prior to going into custody.

This plan would have to be presented at the Housing Director’s Discretion Panel for approval. Assessments should be made as to whether the young person will require more intensive support through floating housing support to help sustain their accommodation.

If the young person turns 21 and their file has been closed to social services while they are in custody, the social worker will provide both the young person and the offender manager with the details of the duty service which both the young person, prison and probation officers can reach out to prior to the young person’s release if they require further support.

If the duty to refer is made for a young person and they are identified as a care leaver (under the age of 25), the probation officer in homelessness prevention assessment should, with the consent of the young person, inform the Leaving Care duty service so that further support can be offered if needed.

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