Joint housing protocol for care leavers - Appendix 1: Housing pathway flowchart

The start

  1. Pathway plan to be completed before the young person turns 16, or within 3 months if they came into care after the age of 16. This should outline the young person’s housing plan.

  2. Completed MyBnks and Preparation for Independence Living Skills booklet and workshops.

    Paid off rent arrears and demonstrated ability to manage a tenancy.

  3. Referral made to Leaving Care Accommodation Panel.

    Depending on the outcome, 3 different routes can be taken.

Route 1

  1. Support to secure accommodation in the private rented sector.

  2. Completed AST Matching referral form to be submitted OR care leaver to identify suitable properties themselves.

  3. Landlord incentive, damage and rent guarantor or transitional insurance scheme, deposit and one month’s advance rent to be considered.

  4. Once a property is identified, relevant suitability checks to be completed by the Property and Procurement team.

  5. Property sign-up and move in.

  6. Ongoing support is available from the PRS tenancy relations officer if required.

Route 2

  1. Nominated to join the Housing Register through the children leaving care quota.

    Consider whether floating support is required.

  2. Housing register application to be submitted.

  3. Two direct offers of suitable properties made.

  4. Property sign-up and move in.

Route 3

  1. Not ready to maintain a tenancy and more support is required.

    2 options are available:

    • Remain in placement with a clear move-on plan in place
    • Referral to supported housing for homeless young people.

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