Joint housing protocol for care leavers - 7. Move-in process


Termination of placement

Once the young person is offered or signs up to a property, their social worker should give their placement provider notice of termination. If a dual rent situation cannot be avoided, the young person’s social worker or keyworker should support them to apply for dual housing benefit.


Lettable standards

For council-owned properties, Hammersmith & Fulham should undertake any renovations required to bring the property up to the Hammersmith & Fulham lettable standard, prior to the resident moving in. The properties shown to care leavers should be nearing a lettable standard and not requiring major void works.

For housing association properties, the lettable standard is set by the housing association. It is the responsibility of the housing association to prepare the property to ensure it meets their lettable standard.

For PRS properties, the Property and Procurement team are able to undertake property visits to quality check the accommodation standard and check for health and safety legal compliance.


Setting up home

Once the care leaver is offered or signs up to a property, their social worker will apply for their Setting Up Home Allowance (SUHA). The allowance covers up to £3,000, paid in instalments to the young person from the point of sign-up. The young person will be guided to spend this appropriately to furnish and decorate their new home. The Leaving Care service will collect receipts for purchases made from the young person.

The care leaver’s housing advisor will arrange the delivery and installation of flooring for young people moving into social housing. This will be funded by Housing and is in addition to the SUHA.

If required, the care leaver’s housing advisor can help young people with ordering white goods and arrange pre-paid gas and utilities bills. If the care leaver has been accepted on to a floating support service, then the floating support provider can help them to arrange utilities bills instead. Where necessary, the social worker should order and pay for a taxi or moving van to assist the care leaver with moving in.

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