Housing services aids and adaptations policy - 5. Overview of the adaptations process

  1. Start

    A tenant contacts the council's Adult Social Care Team to request an aid or adaptation online, by phone or email.

  2. 2 - 5 days

    We confirm receipt of the request and provide further information on what will happen next.

  3. Dependent on circumstances. See point 1 below

    If an assessment is needed, an Occupational Therapist or other qualified council officer visits the tenant at their home to assess eligbility and need. This may involve a second visit with a surveyor.

  4. Dependent on circumstances. See point 2 below

    Adult Social Care reveiw the assessment. If the adaptation cannot be done in the tenant's exisiting home, we support with moving to another home that has been adapted, or could be adapted for their need. See point 2 below.

  5. 5 - 14 days

    If the adaptation can be done in their existing home, we write to the tenant to confirm the type of adaptation that has been approved and arrangements for carrying out a technical inspection by a surveyor.

  6. 3-6 months (or on a case-by-case basis for complex works)

    The adaptation is completed by an approved contractor. We will visit after the work is complete to ensure it meets the required standards. The Occupational Therapist will also review any ongoing care requirements.

(1) All Occupational Therapy referrals are RAG-rated at the point of referral: high, medium or low priority is assigned, based on the presenting risks to the resident.

Our Occupational Therapist at the Adult Social Care Front Door completes proportionate telephone/video assessments for appropriate lower-level bathing cases within 2 weeks of referral prescribing equipment and reviewing via follow up call. Complex cases awaiting adaptations assessments are reviewed by the team to ensure that risks are mitigated while the resident waits for the onsite assessment visit to be completed.

(2) If a tenant's current property is no longer suitable, the Council's Medical Advisor will review the Adult Social Care assessment, along with other available medical evidence. Priority for a move, and waiting time, will be determined on this basis.

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