Type of repairs, maintenance and improvements
This policy explains how we carry out repairs, and how our approach to repairs informs our planned and cyclical programmes of maintenance and improvement work. We sometimes refer to these repairs as 'reactive repairs'.
The information below provides more detail on the different repairs, maintenance and planned improvements services we provide for the homes and communal areas for which we are responsible.
Planned programmes of replacements
We have identified how long we would on average expect the main elements of our properties to last before we need to replace them for example kitchens and bathrooms. The expected lifecycle is a guide only and we consider this alongside data gathered through stock condition or other surveys we do in our properties, or analysis of day-to-day repairs carried out on the properties and the profile of our buildings.
Planned programmes of improvements
Making improvements to our properties can include improving the energy efficiency of properties by fitting solar panels, or remodelling a property to meet a demand, fitting fire doors or enhanced fire protection schemes.
Cyclical maintenance or servicing programmes
We carry out service or repair works at agreed intervals. This includes annual servicing of heating systems, five yearly periodic testing of electrics, fire and or smoke alarm testing, monthly servicing of door entry systems, testing of TV aerials, clearing gutters, drainage systems or de-scaling soil pipes.
Reactive repairs
We carry out a reactive repair when a tenant, or someone acting on their behalf, reports to us that something in the property has failed or gone wrong. We will carry out these repairs within the timeframes set out in this policy. When we carry out a reactive repair, we will investigate what has caused the failure. This could include a problem with the quality of the original materials, workmanship or installation.