Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Appendix 4: Rubbish Storage

The HMO Management Regulations state that landlords must make such further arrangements for the disposal of rubbish and litter from the HMO as may be necessary, having regard to any service for disposal provided by the Council. 

Suitable facilities must be provided for storing rubbish generated by tenants whilst it is waiting to be collected. Facilities provided to dispose of rubbish must be sufficient for the number of occupants within the building. 

At residential premises served by kerbside collections, space must be made available outside for the storage of rubbish and recycling.   

The council’s refuse service provides for the collection of standard dustbins or bags. These dustbins, typically around 90 litres, are not provided by the council and must be supplied by the landlord. Wheelie bins are not acceptable containers because they are not compatible with collection vehicles and are too tall for bags to be safely removed from them.   

For each individual household an external cupboard or designated storage space is needed, capable of holding at least two ordinary dustbins, whose specification conforms to BS 792 or BS 4998, or alternatively space or holders for at least two refuse sacks, each of about 100 litre capacity. Additional space of at least 160 Litres is also needed for recycling sacks.   

The table below summarises the approximate capacity needed depending on household size.   

This table summarises the approximate capacity needed depending on household size
Household size Refuse Recycling
1-3 people  2-3 dustbins (minimum 2 dustbins or 200 litres)  2 recycling sacks (minimum 160 litres) 
 4-6 people    3-5 dustbins (minimum 3 dustbins or 300 litres)  2-3 recycling sacks (minimum 240 litres) 

It is not acceptable for any waste to be stored on the public highway (with the exception of black sacks and recycling sacks placed out on collection day, or after 9pm on the preceding day).   

If storage requirements for refuse pending disposal can’t be met due to a lack of storage capacity landlords need to arrange for additional weekly collections. Our contact details.

External storage 

External refuse storage areas should be on a hard level surface that is impervious, pest-proof with easily cleansable surfaces and close fitting lids to receptacles. If the storage area is provided within basement vaults beneath the footway at the front of the premises the following requirements apply:   

  • The flooring to the vault should be in good order and provide a smooth and easily cleansable concrete finish.   
  • The vault should be free from serious water ingress and standing water. 
  • All holes surrounding pipework and gas /electricity services should be filled to prevent pest ingress. The pointing to the brickwork of the vault should be reasonably sound.   
  • The structure should be pest proof. 
  • The vault should be provided with a sound, rodent-proof timber door and frame. The door should be close-fitting with a maximum clearance of 5mm at the foot to prevent rodent entry beneath, and, ideally, fitted with a metal kickplate at the foot to prevent gnawing, etc.   
  • The storage area to be kept clean and free from accumulations of refuse.   

The tenants should be advised on the arrangements for refuse collections and the relevant days when refuse is regularly collected for disposal by the Council.   

A full technical specification is available here:  

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