Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Washing and sanitary facilities

Washing and sanitary facilities 
 Requirement Number of adult occupiers    Guidance notes
At least 1 bathroom and 1 WC (the bathroom and WC may be combined)  1 – 4 There must be an adequate number of bathrooms, toilets and wash-hand basins for the number of persons sharing those facilities
At least 1 bathroom and 1 WC separate to the bathroom 



2 bathrooms AND 2 WCs with wash hand basins (one of the WCs can be contained within one of the bathrooms) 

6 - 10


3 bathrooms AND 3 WCs with wash hand basins  (two of the WCs can be contained within two of the bathrooms)  11 - 15
Wash hand basin or sink in each bedroom with appropriate splashback  5 or more Only where reasonably practicable having regard to the age and character of the HMO, the size and layout of each flat and its existing provision for wash-hand basins, toilets and bathrooms [1]
WCs adequately ventilated    
Adequate natural or artificial lighting    All bathrooms and shower rooms 
An adequate supply of cold and hot water   
An adequate size and layout   
Suitably located in or in relation to the living accommodation, not more than one floor distant from the occupancy rooms   
Adequately heated and ventilated   

[1] The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007  SI 1903 2007

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