Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Living rooms

Living rooms
Requirement Notes
Minimum size of 8.5m for a 3 or 4 person HMO  For HMOs with 10 or more occupants, the living room(s) must be at least 11mand large enough for the number of occupants
Minimum size of 11m for a 5 to 9 person HMO 
Combined kitchens and living rooms
A minimum of 4mfor the kitchen plus 8.5mfor the living area = 12.5mFor a 3 or 4 person HMO An additional 1mfor each person in occupation in excess of 5 eg17 m for 6 people and so on
A minimum of 5mfor the kitchen plus 11mfor the living area = 16 mFor a 5 to 9 person HMO 

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