Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Appendix 2: HMOs occupied by children

When calculating room sizes a child is counted as one person irrespective of age but the minimum room size when occupied by one child under 10 years of age is 4.64 square metres. 

A bed shall be provided for exclusive use by the child.  

Any child over the age of 10 years shall not have to share a bedroom with their parents or a child (aged under 16) of the opposite sex. 

The letting must have its own kitchen and bathroom for exclusive use of that letting and directly accessible from the letting. 

Ideally, a play space and a desk shall be provided. Where there is a garden or other outside space associated with the dwelling, it shall be child friendly, safely & easily accessible to the children.  

Balconies must have guarding to a height of at least 1100mm. Guarding should be designed to discourage children from climbing on it and should be strong enough to support the weight of people leaning against it. There shall be no gaps greater than 100mm in width.  

If windows on first floor and above have sills less than 1.1m from floor level, limiters must restrict the window being opened more than 100mm and be capable of being over-ridden by an adult if no children are present or in the event of a fire. 

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