Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Appendix 3: Raised bed platforms in letting rooms

Raised bed platforms must comply with all of the following:   

  • At least 50% of the floor area of the room should be unobscured by the gallery
  • The distance from the foot of the egress stair from the gallery to the room exit should not be less than 3 metres 
  • Any cooking facilities must be located in a safe position. This means that they must not be located under the sleeping platform, should be sited remote from the room exit and may need to be enclosed within fire-resisting construction
  • Where the fire risk to the occupants cannot be ensured and redesigning the room to overcome fire risk is not practical, additional fire precautions such as sprinkler or misting systems may be required
  • Raised sleeping platforms must be provided with guarding/edge protection of adequate height along the full length of the gallery area to prevent falling
  • Safe access to the raised bed platform must be provided and ladders are not acceptable. Where possible a staircase complying with building regulations should be provided. As a minimum, fixed stair treads and a handrail must be provided

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