Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Fire safety

Instructions about actions in the event of fire to be prominently located in a common area and on the inner side of the door in all bedsit rooms.

This section contains explanatory detail about fire safety requirements, including:

  • Furniture in an HMO
  • Fire doors
  • Glazing above a fire door 
  • Walls and ceilings
  • Cupboards within the hallway or landing area  
  • Basements
  • Fire detection system
  • Emergency lighting

This is a summary only.  For full information on how to conduct a fire risk assessment and minimize danger from fire, reference must be made to “LACoRS Housing Fire Safety: Guidance on Fire Safety Provisions in Certain Types of Existing Housing” (LACoRS: Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services)

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