Medical and nursing support

A guide to the various nursing and medical support services that are available, including specialist, community and palliative nurses.

Haemoglobinopathy specialist nurses

The specialist haemoglobinopathy (sickle cell disease or thalassaemia major) nurse works in conjunction with the North West London Haemoglobinopathy Network. They support children and their families in managing their health condition in the community. They do that by:

  • providing regular home visits 

  • offering individual school healthcare plans 

  • training schools and primary care staff 

How to refer to this service

Referrals to the service are accepted from the National New-born Screening Programme, self-referral from a parent or carer, primary care or health professionals. 

For further advice and guidance please contact the Specialist Haemoglobinopathy Nurse:

Further information can be obtained from Sickle Cell Society.

The specialist haemoglobinopathy (sickle cell disease or thalassaemia major) nurse works with the North West London Haemoglobinopathy Network.

They support children and their families in managing their health condition in the community.

They do this by:

  • providing regular home visits
  • offering individual school healthcare plans
  • training schools and primary care staff

How to refer to this service

Referrals to the service are accepted from:

For further advice and guidance contact the specialist haemoglobinopathy nurse:

Further information can be obtained from Sickle Cell Society.

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