Medical and nursing support

A guide to the various nursing and medical support services that are available, including specialist, community and palliative nurses.

Asthma specialist nurses

In Hammersmith & Fulham, GPs are the main healthcare providers for children and young people with asthma.

If asthma cases are complex, GPs can seek help from an asthma specialist nurse within the asthma service at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

These nurses hold clinics in: 

Children usually meet with the asthma nurse alongside the practice team at their GP's office.

Additionally, the community cardiology and respiratory service offers advice to GPs through emails and phone calls. The helpline allows patients and GPs to swiftly get expert advice. The consultants give advice to GPs, and if necessary, urgent patients can be seen quickly after a phone call.


In an emergency all children and young people with asthma should follow their personalised asthma management plan. This may involve attending an urgent appointment with their GP. If out of hours, please attend the Accident and Emergency department.


Schools need a health form for enrolment. If a child has asthma, parents should provide the school with a care plan from the doctor. If not available, the school can request it from the doctor. If there are issues, the school health team can help.

How to refer to this service

For GPs to refer to the service, they should send an NHS e-Referral to the asthma service at Charing Cross, Hammersmith and St Mary's hospitals:


More information for GPs on how to refer to the community cardiology and respiratory service – Imperial College Healthcare.

Contact details

Community Cardiology and Respiratory Service

Asthma + Lung UK

MymyAsthma app

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