Medical and nursing support

A guide to the various nursing and medical support services that are available, including specialist, community and palliative nurses.

Children's continuing care

NHS children's continuing care is support for children and young people up to their 18th birthday who need a tailored package of care because of their:

  • disability
  • an accident
  • illness

A small number of children and young people (up to age 18) may have very complex health needs. These may be the result of:

  • congenital (existing from birth) condition
  • disability
  • serious illness or injury

Children with such complex needs may need additional health support. This additional package of care and support is called continuing care.

North West London Integrated Care Board (ICB) has responsibility for assessing children and young people to see if they are eligible for a package of continuing care.

Who arranges the support

The Children's Continuing Care Team at NHS North West London will carry out an assessment to see if the child or young person is eligible. A children’s continuing care case manager, who is a trained registered nurse with expertise in supporting children with complex needs, conducts the assessment.

This nurse works closely with the child, their family, and other healthcare professionals. Together, they collect information to understand and support the child's needs

The assessment

The assessment examines the child's current care, focusing on their needs. Parents and professionals contribute to ensure a complete understanding, but eligibility is decided based on the child's actual needs.

If you think your child needs extra support and should be assessed, talk to a health or social care professional who works with them. If they think they are likely to be eligible they will refer them to the Children’s Continuing Care Team for assessment.

For more information go to children and young people’s continuing care national framework – GOV.UK.

Children’s personal health budgets (PHB)

A personal health budget is an amount of money to support a child or young person's individual health needs. It is planned and agreed between the:

  • child
  • family
  • local NHS team

Through personal health budgets, children and young people and their families are empowered to tailor services to suit their individual circumstances.

What you can spend your child’s personal health budget on

You can spend the budget on services which will help you to meet the health and wellbeing goals set out in your plan. For example paying:

  • a carer employed either by you directly or from an agency 
  • for social or leisure activities for your child or young person to achieve their wellbeing goals

For more information go to personal health budgets for children, young people and families - NHS England.

Or you can speak to your child’s continuing care case manager.

Transition of children into adulthood

Some young people who receive children's continuing healthcare, might also need continuing health care into adulthood. If this is the case, the young person would need to have an assessment for continuing health care for adults. 

This should take place when they are 16 years old. This gives enough time for assessment and planning before the child turns 18.

For information about continuing health care for adults go to continuing healthcare – North West London Integrated Care System.

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