Family information directory

Showing 71 - 80 of 468 results

Chiltern Music Therapy

Chiltern Music Therapy is an award-winning not-for-profit organisation that provides a music therapy service to people of all ages. Chiltern Music The...

Chloe Pierson

I am an experienced childminder with over 10 years’ experience and have 2 children of my own. I have a lovely house with a variety of toys to suit all...

Choice Advice

An independent Choice Advice service is available to those parents/carers who may, for a variety of reasons, experience particular difficulty in selec...

Christine Poulden

I have been caring for children for over 40 years. As well as being a registered childminder I have worked in a nursery. I have also run parent and to...

Christine Wagaba - Grandma Childminding

Children enjoy a broad range of activities in my setting including drawing, writing, role play, painting, modelling, singing, and dancing. I also take...

Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham

H&F CAB provide free, confidential, impartial advice on welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and consumer rights. The service is available to anyone who lives, works or studies in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Citizens Trust (The)

A leading disability specialist in West London, we offer the following FREE services: -Practical help with all aspects of employment skills training a...

Club V Fulham

Club V Fulham is a creche open to customers using the leisure facilities. It is registered with OFSTED and open to children 0-5 years old.

Co-ordination of provision for pupils with medical needs

About the the medical conditions policy which states how the school will care for any children with medical conditions, the procedures for getting the right care and training in place and who is responsible for making sure the policy is carried out.
Part of local offer

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