Department of Health

The Department of Health (DH) exists to improve the health and wellbeing of people in England. The Department of Health works to improve the quality and convenience of care provided by the NHS and social services. It provides health and social care policy, guidance and publications for NHS and social care professionals. Government strategies and policies aimed at providing a broad range of health care services and facilities.
There is information on primary, secondary, integrated and emergency care, National Service Frameworks and other health care related policies.
The Department of Health works to define policy and guidance for delivering a social care system that provides care equally for all, whilst enabling people to retain their independence, control and dignity.
DH publications, including statistical reports, surveys, press releases, circulars and legislation, are available in electronic format or hard copies of most documents can be ordered for free.

The Customer Service Centre call centre provides a dedicated team of information advisors.


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020 7210 4850


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79 Whitehall

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