Doula Consultancy Services

The word, "doula" (pronounced doola) is Greek for the most important female slave/servant in an ancient Greek household. The doula is a childbirth partner/birth companion who provides support to the mother before, during and after the birth. Doulas are not midwives.

Doula Consultancy provide Doula services all over the UK. All of us are committed to The REC Code of professional practice. All our doulas are trained under the strict guidance of Middlesex University.

A Doula provides non clinical valuable assistance to women, their partners & families during pregnancy, at the birth and during the postnatal period. Doulas provide comfort measures such as relaxation, massage, emotional and informational support. Each birth is a miracle. Doula support for mothers and families has many health and social benefits. We provide antenatal, birth and postnatal doula services. We also provide home childcare services.

Care is provided in clients own environment, hospital, and other settings.

Doula Consultancy also offer training.

Doula Training Courses and Support | Snowdrop Doula Burnley


Phone number
0800 0463 929


145 -157
St John's Street

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