Improve your energy efficiency

This page offers practical advice for everyone to reduce energy consumption and enhance the energy efficiency of their homes.

Energy Advice London

Energy Advice London provides practical tips on how to reduce energy usage and costs. Even small changes within your home can accumulate to substantial savings on your energy bills such as:

  • turning appliances off at the wall rather than leaving them on standby (this can
  • save £65 on your electricity bills each year)
  • spending less time in the shower to save hot water
  • avoiding over filling the kettle, boiling only as much as you need (this can
  • save £13 a year)
  • using energy efficient lightbulbs (this can save £13 a year)

Energy Advice London is funded by the Mayor of London and delivered by impartial experts at Energy Saving Trust. Visit GOV.UK for more energy saving tips to save you money

Support with your energy bills

For advice about how you can save money on your bills, visit our help with gas, electricity and water support page.

Energy grants - Help to Heat 

Find energy grants for your home (Help to Heat) - GOV.UK

British Sign Language (BSL) The Royal Association for Deaf People has a range of BSL videos with tips and advice on saving energy and water. They also have a BSL video on cold weather advice.

Mencap easy read guidance

Mencap have also produced an easy read guide how to save energy and money at home (PDF, 1.55MB).


Ofgem provide actions and tips to reduce energy use and save money including:

  • one-off quick fix actions you can take immediately to save energy
  • low effort, no-cost actions you can take every day
  • small home improvements costing £10 to £50 

Check out other pages on the Ofgem website to understand your rights as an energy consumer.

Smart energy meters

A smart gas and electricity meter can help you take control of your home energy use. Smart meters come with an in-home display which shows how much energy is being used in near real time. You can see what you're spending in pounds and pence, which can help you to better understand and reduce your energy use.

Energy suppliers are installing smart meters in homes across the country at no extra cost, to replace traditional meters. Contact your energy supplier to get a smart meter installed in your home.

If you're a council tenant, not all of our homes are suitable for smart energy meters.

If you're a private renter, check your tenancy agreement as you may need your landlords permission to change the metering in the property, but they should not unreasonably prevent it.

If you're a landlord, Ofgem recommend that tenants tell landlords before getting a smart meter installed, but that you should not unreasonably prevent installation.

Citizens Advice Hammersmith and Fulham

Citizens Advice Hammersmith and Fulham offers specialist energy advice to residents of the borough as part of the Big Energy Saving Network. They can provide tips to help you check, switch and save on your energy bills, advice on how to resolve issues with your energy supplier, and support applying for energy grants, if eligible. They offer energy saving workshops and one-to-one appointments. Call 080 8278 7832 or find out more on the Citizens Advice Hammersmith and Fulham

Speaking to your energy provider

If you’re struggling to afford your gas and electricity bills, contact your supplier to discuss ways to pay what you owe them. Suppliers must work with you to agree on a payment plan you can afford under Ofgem rules. This includes reviewing a plan you have agreed before.

Contact your supplier as soon as you can if you are worried about paying your energy bills. They have agreed emergency measures with the government during the pandemic, including fresh commitments to support people most in need this winter.

You can ask for:

  • a review of your payments and debt repayments
  • payment breaks or reductions
  • more time to pay
  • access to hardship funds

Priority Service registration – a free support service if you are in a vulnerable situation.

Solar panels

Solar panels

WaterHelp and WaterSure

Thames Water offers 2 schemes to help those finding it hard to pay their water bills.


Low-income households may be able to get a 50 per cent discount on their water bills through the WaterHelp scheme.

Qualifying households will need to have a total yearly income of less than £21,749.

You can find out more about how Thames Water assesses your income on the WaterHelp application form. 

Find out more about WaterHelp.


If you’re on a water meter but find it hard to save water because you have a large family or water-dependent medical condition, you may be able to get your bills capped through the WaterSure scheme.

You can view the full eligibility criteria on the Thames Water website. 

Find out more about WaterSure.

Contact your housing provider 

If you are a social tenant contact us about housing advice to report any concerns about conditions in your property of for more information on their plans to improve the energy-efficiency of your home.

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