Benefits and money advice

Find out about benefits you could be entitled to and how to get extra support in a crisis. 

Find out about benefits you could be entitled to.

Find out how Universal Credit could help you, see understanding Universal Credit.

If you are a council tenant in H&F, our Welfare Benefits Team can provide welfare rights advice including debt advice, support to identify benefit entitlement and apply for grants. Contact us about benefits.

H&F benefit calculator

H&F Benefit calculator (

Pensions credit calculator

If you're older, please have a look at the Pension Credit calculator.

To use these calculators you'll need information about savings, income, pension, childcare payments and any existing benefits (for you and your partner).

Cost of living support from GOV.UK

Cost of living support - GOV.UK

Hardship Prevention Fund

You may be able to get up to £900 to help deal with a financial emergency if you don't have enough money for basics like food, gas and electricity.

Apply for a hardship prevention payment

Financial help if you are disabled

Visit GOV.UK to find out about the wide range of disability-related financial support available.

Cost of living support: If you're disabled or have a health condition - GOV.UK

Organisations that can advise about benefits and financial difficulties

Free debt advice from GOV.UK

Need help with your household bills? Get tips from MoneySavingExpert.

Want some free and impartial money advice? Try the Money Advice Service.

Want to learn more about how to build your own budget, ways to balance it and how to set money aside for regular bills? Like to pick up some practical tools and tips to use in your daily life?

Try Crosslight's free interactive money skills course. It's available online and face-to-face.

Or if you're looking for an even quicker way to create a budget, why not try a budgeting app?

Find out about budgeting apps on the Which? website.

If you need help to reduce your regular living costs, try these ideas from Citizens Advice.


Age UK Warm Home Programme: the programme helps in 3 key ways:
• benefit entitlement checks
• home energy checks
• providing advice

Age UK Warm Home Programme


0300 3730 1180

Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm

Crosslight offers free, impartial debt advice to anyone struggling with problem debt. Book an appointment with their advisers to get started, you can meet them at one of Crosslight's branches or arrange to speak to them on the phone if easier.

Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham

General enquiries: 0808 278 7832

Help to claim Universal Credit: 0800 144 8444

Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm

Get help with the cost of living - Citizens Advice

Money Helper

Money Helper provides advice on how to save on gas and electricity and what help is available to households who are concerned about paying their bills or missing a payment.

How to reduce your energy bills | MoneyHelper

Money Wellness

Confidential, practical and impartial advice to you find the right solution to becoming debt free.

Money Wellness - debt help

H&F Credit Union

020 7460 2620

Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

H&F Foodbank

020 8746 7718

H&F Law Centre

020 3880 1727

Monday to Thursday, 10am to 12 noon and 3pm to 5pm


Guidance for people with a learning disability and their families and carers on how to get help with food, energy and fuel costs.



A fuel poverty charity which provides advice on warm and safe homes and for those struggling to pay their bills.

National Energy Action (NEA)

NEA's multi-lingual advice leaflets

Shelter England

Help with energy bills and the cost of living - Shelter England

Welfare benefits team

020 8753 5566

Monday and Friday, 9am to 12.30pm
Wednesday, 1.30pm to 4.30pm

Welfare benefits advice for council tenants

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