Improve your energy efficiency

This page offers practical advice for everyone to reduce energy consumption and enhance the energy efficiency of their homes.

Solar panels

Smart Export Guarantee

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is currently the only type of solar panel funding available in the UK.

The SEG enables small-scale low-carbon electricity generators to receive payments for the surplus energy they export back to the grid. However, it is usually better to consume the energy yourself if you can.

Although this is not a direct government grant, all licensed energy suppliers must now offer an export tariff to their customers. Those suppliers with over 150,000 customers are obligated to offer a tariff, while those with fewer can partake on a voluntary basis.

All homeowners with regular solar panel systems (up to 5MW capacity) are eligible under the SEG.

In addition, the house must be fitted with a smart meter to measure the exports. Most energy suppliers also offer a tariff for energy exported from solar battery storage systems.


MCS is a standards organisation which creates and maintains standards that allow for the certification of products, installers and their installations. They certify low-carbon products and installations used to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources.

MCS is a good way to find competent installers for solar panels and other low-carbon/renewable technologies - MCS Certified | Giving you confidence in home-grown energy.

Further information

Find out more about using solar panels on the Energy Saving Trust website.

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