Your TRA Annual General Meeting Minutes

Your Residents Association Annual General Meeting Minutes

April 2024 Held at the TRA Hall at 7pm

1, Attendees

  • 25 local residents
  • Councillor X
  • X, Housing Officer
  • X, Engagement Officer

2, Apologies

No apologies for absence were received.

3, Introductions

The meeting was declared opened by the Chair of the TRA, at 7pm. They introduced committee members, councillors, the team leader, the Engagement Officer, and the local police officer to the group. This meeting is a quorate meeting as there are enough members present.

The minutes of the last AGM were made available, read, and accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.

4, Chair's Report

Review plan. List other progress and achievements made throughout the year and list of people to thank.

5, Treasurer's Report

The group was informed that the association's account contains £XXX plus interest. There has been £XXX of income and £XXXX of expenditure since the last report.

The accounts of the association were read and approved - see attached accounts.

It is anticipated that funds may increase due to the proposed fund-raising activities for this year.

6. Election of committee

Chair thanked members of the existing committee for their involvement with the association over the past year.

The Engagement Officer spoke of the procedures necessary for the election of officers onto the committee. They asked the group to encourage other tenants and residents to become involved with the association.

The following officer positions were opened for nominations:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

General committee members

Nominations were formally taken and seconded; the results are:

Position Name Nominated by Seconded by

Chair Mr A Re-elected

Vice Chair Mrs B New

Secretary Mr C Re-elected

Treasurer Ms D Re-elected

Committee Mr E Re-elected

Committee Mr F New

Committee Mr G New

Committee Mr H Re-elected

7, Guest speaker or training for the committee

The guest speaker for this meeting was XXX …..

The training for this meeting was on:…….

8, The plan

The Chair spoke of the need for the association to develop a plan to prioritise the activities of the association for the coming year. The group was asked to suggest general estate-wide issues to be included within the plan.

Issues included: youth activities, management of the community hall and recruitment of volunteers to help with the activities on offer.

It was suggested that the association could conduct a consultation with residents to see what improvements the residents would like the association to work towards.

9, Any other business

Individual Reports: None The Chair thanked all present for attending the meeting. The meeting closed at 8.05pm.

10, Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of committee members is to be held on 15 June 2024 at 7pm in the TRA Hall.

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