What is the Annual Registration Process?

TRAs must register with H&F each year after the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The main reason for this is so we are aware of and can communicate with the currently elected Lead Committee officers and general committee members.

It is also so we have up-todate information, such as current key holders for a hall or room, any changes to the TRA bank account and the best ways to keep in touch with the TRA (such as a general email address).

For existing TRAs, the annual registration form should be completed and returned to the Housing Resident Involvement Team within 2 weeks of the AGM meeting date.

For new TRAs, we understand it can take a little longer to open your bank account. Please aim to return your completed registration form within 4- 6 weeks of the AGM date.

Registered TRA's will:

  • receive an annual grant.
  • have access to advice and support from the Resident Involvement Team
  • be recognised as the main point for consultation and information for issues that affect the community that the TRA represents. This will include planned and capital maintenance programmes and leasehold consultations.
  • be invited to attend the Housing Representatives Forum to influence policy decisions, work with the council to agree priority areas, and develop new initiatives to improve services for council housing residents.
  • have the opportunity to network and learn from other registered TRAs.
  • have access to meeting spaces and places to hold events.

Non-registered TRAs will:

  • not be entitled to receive an annual grant.
  • not be able to manage a hall or room.
  • not receive ongoing support from the Resident Involvement Team, unless this is to help with planning an AGM or help with completing the registration documents.
  • be removed from the mailing list for Housing Representatives Forum and for receiving future TRA-related updates.

Payment of annual grant

Registered TRAs who hold a balance of less than £5000 at the point of account verification are entitled to receive a grant towards their running costs. Designated and restricted funds are excluded from the consideration of the TRA balance.

Designated funds are those that the TRA committee has set aside for a particular activity or purchase. Generally funds should only be designated for a maximum period of up to 12 months, unless there are specific circumstances that mean funds are being set aside for a particular reason. Designated funding will need to be agreed by the committee.

Restricted funds usually relate to grant funding that has been received that comes with conditions to be used for a certain purpose. Examples could include funding to deliver a youth club, or to running a social activity.

Designated and restricted funds must be shown on the Annual Statement of Accounts that is presented at the AGM.

TRA Grants are paid once each financial year. The financial year for grant applications runs from 1st April to 31st March in the following year. Applications for TRA grants are made at the same time as the annual TRA registration. No additional paperwork is required. Only one grant application can be made per financial year and H&F cannot backdate payment of grants from a previous financial year.

Approved grants will be paid on the following basis:

  • TRAs representing up to 100 properties (that do not run a hall) - £250 per year.
  • TRAs representing up to 500 properties - £500 per year.
  • TRAs representing up to 1000 properties - £750 per year.
  • TRAs representing over 1000 properties - £1000 per year. The funding can be used by TRAs for:
  • Organising community events in the area the TRA represents.
  • Revenue costs such as gas, electricity, and insurance for the TRA hall.
  • Stationery and other administrative items such as postage.
  • Equipment costs.
  • Publicity and printing.
  • Website design and hosting.

The grant cannot be used for capital improvements to property, such as new fittings and fixtures for TRA halls, or for the promotion of any political purposes.

Please see the Registration Checklist that must be met for the annual TRA grant to be paid.

How to register each year

Completed registration forms and supporting documentation should either be sent to the Resident Involvement Team by email at Getinvolved@lbhf.gov.uk or given directly to your Engagement Officer.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact GetInvolved@ lbhf.gov.uk or call 020 8753 6652.


We will let you know when your annual grant application has been approved and when you can expect payment.

Payment will be made by BACS to the TRA bank/ building society account on the registration form. Payment cannot be made to an individual TRA committee member's account.

Is it possible to be registered, but not to receive an annual TRA grant?

TRAs can opt out of receiving the annual grant and still be fully registered.

How we use your information

Your information will be added to our involvement database so we can communicate with you.

General TRA email addresses (such as ResidentsTRA@gmail.com) are a great way for TRAs to share their contact details with the residents they represent, and with other stakeholders. Lead Committee members should all have access to general TRA email address accounts.

Registration and grant payment assessment checklist

All of the below criteria must be met for the annual grant to be paid. The Resident Involvement Team will work with TRAs to help to make sure that each point is met.


  1. Has an AGM taken place with 14 days' notice given to all households?
    Yes / No
  2. Were annual accounts independently verified by the council's appointed consultant and presented at the AGM?
    Yes / No
  3. Has the existing TRA submitted a fully completed annual registration form within two weeks of the AGM date?
    Yes / No
  4. Has the newly formed TRA submitted a fully completed annual registration form within 4 - 6 weeks of the AGM date?
    Yes / No
  5. Does the TRA have a named Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer who are not members of the same household and who live in the area that the TRA represents?
    Yes / No
  6. Has the TRA adopted a constitution based on the template constitution?
    Yes / No
  7. Has the TRA sent a Lead Committee member to all six of the Housing Representatives Forum meetings in the last 12 months?
    Yes / No
  8. Is a valid TRA bank account listed on the registration form and are there three signatories from the TRA committee? (If the application is from a new TRA, or the bank account has changed we will need a copy of an up-to-date bank statement)
    Yes / No
  9. Has the TRA provided a copy of the valid Public Liability Insurance (PLI) certificate for the hall or room?
    Yes / No

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