Starting a new TRA

The Housing Resident Involvement Team will let you know if there's already a TRA where you live, or whether you would need to get together with your neighbours to form a TRA.

The team can be contacted at:

020 8753 6652 (option 5).

If your property isn't managed by Hammersmith & Fulham Council you should contact your housing provider or managing agent for more information about becoming recognised as a TRA.

Steps to setting up a new TRA

Step 1 – Gauge the interest by:

Talking to your neighbours and people living in the area that will be represented to find out whether other people are interested in setting up a TRA. You will need to find out how much support there is for a TRA in your area and how many people are willing to help.

To be representative of your community, you will need to have at least 4 neighbours over 18 years old to get started.

Step 2 – Hold an information meeting with those residents who are interested in forming a TRA to:

Help people to find out more about what a TRA is and what is involved. The Housing Resident Involvement Team can join you at this meeting to explain more and help you along the way.

Step 3 – Promote and advertise the opening meeting by:

Making a leaflet or poster to invite all residents to the opening meeting. At least 14 days' notice of the meeting date must be given and it should be clear that the intention is to hold an election for a TRA committee and that the opportunity is open to all residents who live in the area being represented.

Step 4 – Hold the opening meeting of the TRA to:

Elect a committee and for the TRA to adopt the constitution and start to consider their priorities for the year ahead.

For a TRA to be formed, the Lead committee roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary must be elected to. The post holders for these roles must live in different households. The role of Vice Chair is optional and other residents should also be encouraged to join the committee.

If a TRA is not formed at this opening meeting, there are two choices for those who are attending the meeting:

  • Arrange a follow-up meeting that again gives at least 14 days' notice of the new meeting date. The time between meetings should be used by the residents already interested in forming a TRA to gain more support from neighbours and have named people willing to help out on the committee.
  • The decision is made not to proceed with the formation of the TRA.

Step 5 – Committee members should share contact details to:

Keep in touch and plan the next steps. Please also read the registration section that explains how the TRA should be formally registered with H&F.

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