Guidance for amenities required in HMOs 2024 - Cupboards within the hallway or landing area

Cupboards within the hallway or landing area  
Requirement Notes
Fix to the inner face of the staircase, including the inner face of the door, 12.5mm (½ inch)  thick plasterboard or other approved material, finished with a 6mm (¼  inch)  thick coat of finishing plaster, to achieve an imperforate, halfhour fire resistance. The cupboard should be kept locked shut upon completion  Understairs cupboards where the underside of the timber staircase is visible and unprotected.  
If the cupboard is to be used by the occupying tenants then protect the cupboard by lining the inside with 12.5mm (½ inch) plasterboard or other approved material and fit a fire door  Airing cupboards 
Fix a suitable 30 minute fire resisting enclosure to the electric consumer unit and / or meter if situated in the escape route eg entrance hall. This should consist of 12.5mm (½ inch) plasterboard or other approved material on a timber framework with a top hung door (if a side hung door is fitted it must be provided with a self closing device) 

Consumer unit and / or Electricity Meter situated within the entrance hallway 


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