User guides and frequently asked questions

User guides

Residents' and business parking permit system user guides

Frequently asked questions

How do I contact you about parking permits?

The quickest way to contact us is by using our parking permits contact form.

Please use our parking permits contact form to:

  • apply for a refund or cancellation
  • change the vehicle or the address on your permit
  • report a problem with the vehicle registration number
  • send us the required proofs for your application
  • request a sample council tax payer letter
  • apply for parking permit for a foreign registered vehicle
  • help with a technical issue with applying for a permit
  • tell us about a failed payment
  • tell us if you can't apply online
  • ask us about any other permit related enquiry

Parking permits contact form

Alternatively, you can contact us by email or on the contact centre permit line 020 8753 6681 (response times and waiting times may increase during busy periods).

Is the new parking permit system part of My Account?

The new parking permits portal is not part of the MyAccount portal. It is a separate system and requires registration for a parking permit account to be set up.

Go to parking permit portal

Why can't I see any parking permits available to apply for in the new parking permit system?

You need to be logged in before your available permits will be shown. If you have set up an account in the new parking system and logged in and still can't see any parking zones allocated, this could be because your address is car-free or is not in a controlled parking area.

If you think you should be able to see a permit option, please use our parking permits contact form to send us a request for help.

Where's my PIN number?

We have moved to a new parking permits system for residents' and business parking permits. You no longer need a PIN to renew your permit. Please visit Renew your parking permit for more information.

If I renew my permit before the expiry date, what date will the new permit start from?

If you are renewing your permit before its expiry date, we will adjust the date on your application to the beginning of next month when we process it.

Why can't I just renew my permit in the new system?

Sorry, we couldn't migrate the information about your permit into the new parking system which means you can't renew residents' or business parking permits issued before 3 Feb 2025 (in the old system).

You will need to make a new application in this new system and upload any required supporting proofs.

Go to parking permit portal

We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause.

Do I need a permit to park my motorcycle?

In most areas of the borough, motorcyclists can park in all shared permit and pay and display bays, provided that the bay has not been suspended.

However, there are restrictions on some streets in the Caxton Village area.

See motorcycle parking in Caxton Village.

What is a resident free or car free address housing development?

New housing developments often have 'permit free' conditions as part of their planning approval. This means that if you move to a new property, you may not be eligible for an on-street parking permit.

Some developers provide off-street parking for new housing. Other developments are only approved on condition that residents won't be eligible for parking permits.

This is to protect our current residents from increased parking stress. Once a development has been approved with a permit-free condition, this cannot be changed. It is the developer and/or your landlord's responsibility to make you aware of this condition when you buy or rent a property.

For more information see car free developments.

Permit free or car free address visitor permit

The car free address visitor permit is issued to addresses that are blocked from applying from a residents permit.

Residents who live at addresses that are not eligible for resident permits, can apply for a car free address visitor permit to activate a free session to allow their visitors to drive through the camera controlled access points on streets that are in the cleaner air neighbourhood scheme area.

If the visitor wishes to park on street, they can then either use pay and display on street or their own RingGo account to purchase parking time on street.

Lower emission vehicle permits - Can I get a discount if I drive a fuel-efficient vehicle?

To help improve air quality and the environment, our parking permits are now based on vehicle emission bandings which offer cheaper permits for lower emissions vehicles.

Please see Residents' parking permit costs for further information

Is there a limit to the number of residents' permits available to each household?

All adults in a household are allowed to buy parking permits for up to 2 vehicles registered in their name. The permit for the second vehicle registered in their name would be at a higher cost.

Please see Residents' parking permit costs for further information

Who can't apply for a residents' permit

You can't apply if you:

  • live in a permit-free housing development
  • have three or more unpaid penalty charge notices, in your name or for the vehicle in the application, that are beyond the appeal stage
  • own a property in H&F but spend the majority of your time at a different address
  • have a valid permit for their vehicle in any other local authority
  • don't live in a controlled parking zone e.g. the Imperial Wharf development
  • own a vehicle not registered with the DVLA within six months of arriving in the UK
  • don't have a permanent address is in Hammersmith & Fulham, for example visitors, traders, property developers, domestic staff such as a nanny
  • drive a vehicle designed for more than 12 passengers (not counting the driver) and or a vehicle over 2.28m high.

Will owning a parking permit guarantee me the right to park outside my house?

No. We cannot reserve parking spaces for groups or individuals.

However, by preventing commuters from parking in your area, controlled parking zones make it much more likely that you'll find a parking space near home.

Is my Blue Badge valid in controlled parking zones?

Yes. As a Blue Badge holder you are entitled to:

  • free and unlimited parking in all shared-use bays and pay and display bays
  • a three-hour exemption from the waiting ban on single and double yellow lines if you do not cause an obstruction and there is no loading ban.

Please make sure that you clearly display both your disabled badge and clock, and that your clock is set to your arrival time.

Where can't I park with my permit?

Your residents' parking permit does not allow you to park in bays for:

  • blue badge holders
  • personalised disabled permit holders
  • motorcycles
  • taxis
  • pay and display users only
  • diplomatic vehicles
  • doctors
  • traders
  • loading by goods vehicles only.

You also cannot park in bays that have been suspended.

Your parking permit does not allow you to park within some housing estates or on private roads.

Can I park with a trailer attached to my vehicle

No. Attaching a trailer makes the permit invalid and you may be fined.

Why can't I get a parking permit for my high vehicle?

We do not issue permits for vehicles over 2.28m in height. This policy is in place in order to stop overshadowing caused by parked high vehicles, especially in properties with windows close to the road.

I have been refused a parking permit, what can I do?

If you are unhappy with our decision, you can contact us using the parking contact form. We can't accept appeals from residents or businesses outside the borough or from those who have been refused a permit at a permit-free property.

Please contact us using our parking permits contact form

Can I have a permit if my vehicle is not registered in the UK?

The DVLA requires all foreign-registered vehicles to be registered in the UK within the first 6 months. This makes vehicle owners accountable for their actions.

We support this by only offering 6-month permits to all drivers of foreign-registered vehicles.

We will not renew your permit unless you register your vehicle with the DVLA.

Please use our parking permits contact form to apply for parking permit for a foreign registered vehicle.

Why have I been refused a permit just because I have not paid my parking tickets?

We do not issue permits to anyone who has 3 or more unpaid parking fines that are beyond the appeal stage. This also applies if you want to renew your existing permit.

Once you've paid the fines, you can apply in the usual way.

See parking tickets and enforcement

I need to apply for a business permit and a residents' permit but I can only see one type of permit in the system when log in.

If you need to apply for a residents' and a business parking permit, you will need to create 2 accounts using different email addresses.

The process for applying for the permit is the same for both, you will need to select Business or Residential when you create your accounts.

Business permits that are available for your zone will not appear in your account if you set your account up as a Residential account and visa versa.

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