H&F Housing News
Keep up to date with housing news with the latest edition of the H&F Housing News.
Housing Online
Housing Online is a quick and convenient way for council tenants or residents who are on the housing register to bid for a home, manage rent and contact details and receive messages.
Find out more about Housing Online
Your tenancy
Making changes to your tenancy
Policies relevant to your tenancy
Absent tenants and abandonment policy
Tenancy fraud and unauthorised occupants policy
Council housing tenancy policy
Looking after your home
Managing condensation and mould
Tenants responsibilities for repairs
Improving energy efficiency in council homes
Your safety
What to look out for and who to contact if you spot a problem - Your safety - fire gas and asbestos
We're working to keep you safe - Fire Safety Plus measures across the borough.
View our Housing Services Domestic Abuse policy.
Your rent
Benefits advice for council tenants
Your neighbourhood
Resolving neighbourhood problems
Looking after your estates and green spaces
Stock conditions survey
We are currently carrying out surveys on all our properties to help understand what further improvement works and future-proofing is needed to your home.
Contact us

Tenant satisfaction survey
We want your views on your home and the housing services provided by the council.
Find out about our tenant satisfaction survey.