Looking after your estate and green areas

Information about who looks after the communal areas, green spaces and security on our estates.

Our estate services team look after all communal areas on your estate.

But it is everyone's duty to make sure that communal areas are kept in reasonable order. Tenants and residents are not allowed to store bikes, furniture, or bulky rubbish in these areas. Not least because obstructing landings, stairs, fire paths or fire hose points could cause a serious risk in the event of a fire.

If you do find such an obstruction, contact your area housing office or caretaker immediately.


Pinnacle caretakers keep the communal areas of your estate clean.

You can find more information about your caretaker and what they do on the noticeboards in the communal areas of your estate.

To report an issue or ask questions about our cleaning services, please contact the Estate Services Team directly by emailing esrequest@lbhf.gov.uk or by calling 0208 753 5646 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)

Grounds maintenance

Idverde looks after the green spaces on council estates across the borough. Their teams cut grass, prune and weed shrubs and clear winter leaf fall from garden areas.

For more information on their maintenance work, see maintenance information for housing sites.

If you have a query or would like to give us your feedback, please contact idverde.


Trees in communal gardens are inspected on a 3-year cyclical programme with scheduled tree works carried out over the winter months.

During nesting season (March to August) only health and safety works may be carried out on trees where birds are nesting.

We carry out work if trees are a safety hazard, contribute to structural damage to a property or are diseased. For more information, read our tree management policy (pdf).

Contact us if there's a problem with a tree on your estate. We'll look at the tree and decide what work is needed.

Call us on 020 8753 5646, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or send an email to esrequest@lbhf.gov.uk

If you have your own garden, it's your responsibility to look after its trees and plants. If you need further advice about a tree in your garden, please talk to your housing officer.

Contact us about housing

Play areas and ball courts

Our play areas and ball courts on housing estates are inspected four times per year, once every quarter.

The constant use of playground equipment and ball courts means that it can become damaged and in need of repair at unexpected times. It is because of this that regular inspections of our equipment are vital in ensuring that it remains safe for children to use, as well as helping to keep it lasting for as long as possible before needing to be replaced.

Our caretakers are responsible for the cleaning of play areas and ball courts.

Please contact estate services to report an issue in a play area or ball court or to report any cleaning issues.

If you have a suggestion on how we can improve our play sites or have an idea for a new piece of equipment, please contact us by emailing esrequest@lbhf.gov.uk or by calling 0208 753 5646 (9am to 5pm, Mon to Fri)

Get involved with your estate inspection

Estate inspections help us to look for things that'll improve the area. They are attended by residents, members of our housing team and contractors.

Bid for funding to improve your neighbourhood

We have a resident-led Investment group that looks at resident-led bids for improvements and allocates funding to neighbourhood projects. Visit the Getting involved in your housing service pages for more information on improving your neighbourhood.

Security and support

We provide estate support and security services on four estates across the borough – Clem Atlee, Charecroft, West Kensington and Edward Woods. For more information on this service, visit the Estate support and security page.

Estate parking and garages service

The estate parking and garages team are to help with residents parking and garages queries on housing land. For more information please see Estate parking and garages

Contact us

We welcome your feedback and the opportunity to work with our residents. We will always try to resolve any issues as soon as possible.

If you have a comment, complaint or a suggestion about estate services, please contact the estate services team.


0208 753 5646 (9am to 5pm, Mon to Fri)

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