Tenant satisfaction survey
We want your views on your home and the housing services provided by the council.
Find out about our tenant satisfaction survey.
Your leasehold
Understanding your lease, service charges, selling your property, sub-letting and other aspects of your leasehold.
Your service charge
How we work out your service charge and how to pay it. Plus building insurance and other aspects of your service charge.
Major works
How we'll consult you before agreeing major works to your home and how to get help paying for major works.
Leaseholders' forum
See how we are working with leaseholders to improve services and dates of the next leaseholders' forum.
Getting involved in your housing service
How to get involved in meetings to help make decisions about housing - Getting involved in your housing service.
Estate services
Information and guidance about estate services.
Repairs and maintenance
You can report a report by phone, online, in person or by making an appointment for repairs and maintenance.
Thames Water billing transfer
Thames Water billing transfer frequently asked questions
Water charge refunds
Water charge refunds information for leaseholders
Alterations and improvements
If you'd like to carry out work at your home, find out more about alterations and improvements.
Your safety – fire, gas and asbestos
What to look out for and who to contact if you spot a problem with fire, gas and asbestos safety.
H&F Fire Safety Plus
We're working to keep you safe - Fire Safety Plus measures across the borough.
Contact details
Get in touch with us by phone, email or face-to-face. If you have a complaint, a comment or a suggestion about our housing services, we want to hear from you.