Family information directory

Showing 201 - 210 of 468 results

Le Club Tricolore

20 years of inspirational French using an accelerated method specially devised for 2 different age groups. French is absorbed naturally and effortless...

Le Hérisson School

Le Herisson school is a French secular nursery school . It is a “homologuee” (approved by the Ministere Francais de l’ Education Nationale). Founded i...
Day nursery


A 12 week employability and volunteer programme devised to help residents of London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensingt...

Learning Disability Service

The learning disability service works with adults who have a learning disability. Anyone with a learning disability who lives in Hammersmith & Ful...

Learning with adult mentors

The Urban Partnership Group (UPG), a local regeneration agency, runs a mentoring scheme that enables adults living in Hammersmith & Fulham to help...

Lidia Seyoum

I have been a childminder for around 10 years, with a current Ofsted grading of 'Good'. My home is comfortable and any one who is interested can come ...

Lighthouse Group

The Lighthouse Group helps young people who are at crisis in their education. We work with young people who have been excluded or are at risk of exclu...

Lillian Antenyi

In addition to weekday care, I can provide weekend care provided I am given advance notice.

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