Newpark Montessori School and Nursery

Provider type
Day nursery

Newpark Montessori School and Nursery opened in 2006 and is a family-run private nursery and Montessori School. It operates from a sympathetically converted two storey detached church hall. The premises can be accessed via the main road, church pathway and Monk Court car park. The setting is divided into two semi-independent sections: a nursery for the under Threes and a Montessori school for children from 3 to 7 years.

The setting benefits from three outdoor play spaces: the main garden has purpose built climbing and balancing equipment and retractable awnings in place to enable children to be outdoors in all weather; the school classroom has an adjoining sensorial garden which the children themselves tend; and at the rear of the property there is a north-facing shaded mural garden with a soft play surface for the youngest children.

The premises is wheelchair accessible on the ground level. The nursery and school are both open from 8:00 to 18:30 Monday to Friday, fifty weeks per year. The setting attracts children mainly from the surrounding neighbourhood, although there are a few children who travel from a wider distance.

Based on observations of the children’s interests for more challenging gross motor skills, the staff have been trained on how to deliver children's yoga and now run a weekly yoga sessions. Children freely express their views on how they are getting on and whether they are happy in the nursery.

The Newpark staff team share a passion for the children's well-being. They recognise the uniqueness of each child by completing weekly/monthly individual planning as well as daily observations which go home in the child's handmade weekly book called the Complete Guide.

Newpark offers children a sound, positive, calm, learning environment based on the individual educational needs of each child. The children's developmental progress is aided by Key person planning for the EYFS, and observations of individual children assist in the planning and next steps for each child. The outcomes for the children are observed and recorded through observations and photographic evidence. Staff take pride in their Key Children's learning and development, and their starting points are assessed using valuable information from parents, and discussed with the manager, and Key Person when the children first start. The Settling-in process for a new child at Newpark is robust and thorough, usually occurring over a two week period. During these Settling in times all information regarding the child’s Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional and Social Development is gathered, therefore the child is able to access additional support if required.

The environment is beautifully maintained and shows care and attention to detail, so therefore the children feel comfortable and confident. The rooms are arranged to offer the children a variety of different sized tables to allow them to work individually, in pairs, or with an adult. Children are also able to work in small groups or spontaneously on the large open floors or creative areas. A selection of toys, resources and Montessori Materials are laid out on shelves for the children. The nursery children benefit from a variety of clean, safe, non-toxic play equipment which is well maintained. Items such as drinking water are kept in the same place, and again labelled to encourage children to feel confident to help themselves. Risk assessments are carried out daily with opening, closing and cleaning schedules, to which all staff contribute. A risk assessment is carried out for every walk, to maintain a high level of security and safety for the children at all times.

Newpark aims for all its staff to be First Aid trained and that training is refreshed every three years.

The children are aware of the importance of a good diet through regular topics and themes, ensuring that the children are exposed to positive images and an understanding of their bodies. Newpark has joined to the Children's Food Trust 'Eat Better, Start Better' voluntary food and drink guidelines to help children to eat more healthily by establishing good food habits in their early years.

Newpark actively practices equality of opportunity and we have an appropriate range of resources that promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice to enable children to respect and value the differences in people. Positive role models are displayed through toys, imaginary play, books and activities that promote non-stereotyped images. All staff shares the responsibility of ensuring that we provide a fully inclusive service for children and their parents/carers and families.

We organise regular themed days about different countries and continents when we listen to original music, read stories, discuss traditions, prepare sample foods, make art and craft and try to understand that diversity is enrichment. We also regularly participate in various charity events so our children learn that helping others is important and fun.

The children help each other as they prepare for meal times and listen carefully to instructions given by staff. Children develop good manners and are polite. Staff carry out regular observations and make written assessments about children's progress.

Age range

4 months to 7 years old


Monday to Friday, 8am to 6.30pm

Funded places

3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
08 March 2007 Integrated Good
05 January 2011 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding
06 April 2016 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding
25 February 2020 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding


Contact name
Newpark Montessori School and Nursery
Phone number
020 8746 7944


Newpark Montessori School and Nursery
Uxbridge Road
W12 0NS
  • Sensory play opportunities
  • Outside play opportunities
  • A qualified first-aider is on site
  • On-site parking
  • There are baby changing facilities
  • Ofsted registered
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs
  • Building has wheelchair access
  • Dietary needs catered for

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