Naz Project London

Naz Project London (NPL) provides sexual health and HIV prevention and support services to targeted Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in London. NPL aims to educate and empower communities to face up to the challenges of sexual health and the AIDS pandemic, and to mobilise the support networks that exist for people living with HIV/AIDS. NPL also provides training services to voluntary, community and statutory organisations as well as a wide range of free resources

Peer Education Training - NPL conducts Peer Education Training workshops aimed at equipping BME young people with knowledge and skills they need to explore and communicate complex sex and sexual health issues to others. Videos, discussion groups, testimonies, gender specific workshops and role-play are used during training. Cover a wide range of topics including sexually transmitted infections and HIV, contraception and pregnancy, sexual decision-making and negotiation skills, sexuality and relationships. Those who complete this training become Peer Educators and will be competent to help other young people in HIV/AIDS and sexual health issues. For more information on the Naz Peer Education Training workshops, telephone 020 8741 1879 or email .

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Phone number
020 8741 9609
Email address


King Sreet
Pallingwick House
W6 9LP

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