Family information directory

Showing 21 - 30 of 468 results

Association of Eritrean Jerbeti

Teaches Maths, English, Science, Cultural Studies (Arabic, Tigrina). Supplementary schools are staffed by dedicated professional teachers, parents an...

Autism Partnership UK

Provides 'Applied Behaviour Analysis' (ABA) therapy for families with autistic children. "Research has shown ABA to be effective in reducing disruptiv...

BME Hammersmith & Fulham

Umbrella organisation representing Black and Minority Ethnic communities and voluntary groups bringing BME communities together to work for better ser...

Beliu Yacob

I have been Childminder since 2010 and have been awarded the Ofsted rating of ‘Good’ in my January 2023 inspection. I am a very outgoing person and ru...

Benedicta Birikorang

I have 30 years experience working with children, over 15 years as a childminder. I am able to manage the behaviour of two years olds and can support ...

BeyondAutism Post-19

Our Post-19 service has a specialist curriculum that ensures sustained success beyond the age of 25, setting young adults up with the skills and indep...

Bigfoot Arts Education

Bigfoot is a thriving independent arts organisation with a mission to raise standards in education through a creative approach to learning. Bigfoot of...

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