Family information directory

Showing 71 - 80 of 191 results

Health Visiting Services

Download: Parent/carer guide to transitioning from health visiting to school nursing services (PDF, 244KB) The Health Visiting Services are made up o...
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Holland Park Ecology Centre

The Centre contains displays and information about the local and natural history of Holland Park and other sites of Nature Conservation Importance wit...

IDL Literacy and Numeracy

IDL Literacy is a cloud based intervention software, specifically designed to help improve the reading and spelling ability of those with dyslexia and...

In-Deep Music Therapy Service

We are a registered charity and are providing music therapy once a month on a Saturday morning for children with special educational needs and disabil...
Part of local offer

Independent (Private) Schools

What are independent schools? Independent schools (also known as private schools) are educational providers not funded or maintained by the Government...

Integrated Key Working Team

Families with children with identified needs and disabilities are offered support from an Integrated Keyworker, as part of the IKW Team. They currentl...
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