Through the third sector investment fund (3SIF), H&F invests over £3.3 million in improved outcomes in communities, such as commissioned advice and guidance services, grant funded projects across a range of themes, small grants and support to the third sector itself to develop and excel. Maintaining investment in a period of reducing government funding and increasing demand on statutory services demonstrates the council's commitment to be a compassionate council and ensuring that every resident can thrive – by valuing the contribution that community makes.
Organisations funded by the Third Sector Investment Fund are helping to:
- build a stronger local economy with more jobs for local people
- empower and enable local communities
- provide the best start for young people
- improve health and adult social care
- improve everything we do – delivering social inclusion
- make the borough safer and cleaner.
You can find out about each of the organisations we funded to run these services below.
Third Sector Investment Fund (3SIF)
In the past year the council has funded more than 40 groups to run more than 50 services.
- The groups used over 1,500 volunteers to deliver services; including staff from local businesses who gave their time to community projects.
- Volunteers have provided over 100,000 hours – the equivalent, at current London Living Wage rates, of £1.2m.
- In addition, groups have raised an extra £9.7million in funding to support their work.
Community groups we currently fund
All information shown on the following links is correct as known at the point of publication. Please let us know if you spot anything inaccurate.
- Age UK
- Action on Disability – Welfare Benefits Project for Adults
- Alzheimer's Society
- Barnardo's
- Barons Court Project
- Bishop Creighton House – Community Centre
- Bishop Creighton House – Homeline
- Bishop Creighton House – Keep Active
- Bishop Creighton House – Safer Homes Service
- Brunswick Club Trust
- deafPLUS
- Doorstep Library Network
- Fulham Good Neighbours
- Groundwork
- H&F Citizens Advice Bureau – Advice @ Food Bank
- H&F Food Bank
- H&F Law Centre
- H&F Mencap – Parentsactive
- H&F Mencap – My life out and about
- H&F Mencap – Safety Net People First
- H&F Volunteer Centre
- Hammersmith Community Gardens Association
- London Sports Trust
- London Sports Trust - White City Play
- Lyric Hammersmith
- Open Age
- Ray's Playhouse Ltd
- Resurgo Trust
- Shepherds Bush Families Project
- Sobus
- Sulgrave Club
- Urban Partnership Group – Community Centre
- Urban Partnership Group – Masbro Elders
- Urban Partnership Group – Parents at Masbro
- Urbanwise.London
- West London Action For Children
- Westway Community Transport
- William Morris Society
- Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation
Small Grants
This is a funding programme for local 3rd sector organisations in need of small grants to start or deliver specific services or activities. We use it to support the widest possible range of local organisations, and we prioritise funding to those groups we don't currently fund.
More information on Small Grants.
Summary of groups allocated FTSG funding in the last year (pdf).
Do you want to volunteer?
Support your neighbourhood, meet new people, share your skills.
Contact the H&F volunteer centre
Find a charity or voluntary group
Search the Sobus community directory.
If you have any questions please contact Sobus for further information: 020 7952 1230
Complaints about community groups
If you have a complaint about a local group or organisation you should raise this with them directly. All groups should have a complaints procedure that you can obtain. If you are still not satisfied with the group's response to your complaint, and IF they are a group funded by the council, you can raise your complaint with the Community Investment Team.