Small grants funding

How to apply for funding for voluntary organisations and to find out about sources of funding.

This is a funding programme for local 3rd sector organisations in need of small grants to start or deliver specific services or activities. We use it to support the widest possible range of local organisations, and we prioritise funding to those groups we don't currently fund.

Small grants can be used to fund a range of activities, for example: sessional worker costs, one off events, play schemes and classes, rent and running costs for specific short term projects.

You can apply for between £100 and £10,000. We do not anticipate awarding amounts over £5,000 to more than two or three organisations in each financial year, and the majority of funding will be for projects under £5,000.

Applications for small grants

Apply for a small grant

Please see the application guidance notes below.

If you have any enquiries, email at

Small Grants guidance notes

Conditions of Grant Aid and Grant Aid Form (pdf 93KB)
This form must be signed and submitted with the application form for your application to be considered valid

New supplier set up form (word doc 25KB)
This form must be completed for all groups/organisations new to the council or those that have not received funding in the last 3 years

Small Grants monitoring form (word doc 208KB)

Funding Alert

What is Funding Alert and how can I get a copy?

Funding Alert is a monthly bulletin, which tells you about available funding from all sources, not just the council and gives you information relevant to voluntary, and community groups in the borough. It is produced by Sobus and is available free to Hammersmith & Fulham groups. If you wish to view the bulletin please visit the Sobus website where it is linked from the homepage.

Further help

Who can help me with funding/setting up as a new group?

Sobus staff who can help with setting up a new group, managing staff, bookkeeping and fundraising advice. Email them at

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