
How this organisation has performed against its targets

Service name: CSE, Missing & Trafficking Service

Service description

Barnardo’s delivers the CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation), Missing & Trafficking service with funding from H&F Council, providing direct one-to-one work with children and young people, support and advice for parents and carers, prevention group work, training for professionals and advice and consultancy. 

Funded until

31 March 2025

Annual funding level


In the past year…

The service’s worker has worked with 20 young people and 8 parents/carers this year to date, providing over 100 sessions of support. They have also trained around 30 H&F professionals in Child Sexual Exploitation.

Outcome being achieved

Children and young people have a better understanding of how to keep safe

Children and young people are accessing appropriate services

Children and young people are be more resilient and there will be a reduction in the level of risk/harm

Children and young people have a better understanding of the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship.

Parents and carers have a better understanding of how to keep their children safer.

Parents and carers report enhanced parent/carer/adult - child relationships.

Parents and Carers receive advice and information about support services.

H&F professionals will develop a greater understanding of sexual exploitation and how to respond appropriately.

Funding raised

Barnado’s is an organisation that raises funds across the whole of the UK, £41.9 million in 2019/20.

Future plans

Aim to continue to offer specialist exploitation and childhood trauma support to children, young people and families identified by the borough through a blended model of delivery (face to face and virtual support, based on need and current restrictions)

Extend the training offer to H&F professionals to recognise the signs of harm and share resources and techniques for support in lower level cases, with case support from our trauma-informed team

Provide group work in schools to ebb the flow into exploitation and harm

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