Start for Life

Start for Life support is available through our family hubs, for you and your family. Support is available from pregnancy to birth, from 0 to 36 months.

3 to 12 months – Start for Life

Although you will not be contacted by a health visitor for a check, the team are always happy to answer questions and provide support.

During this time, you can attend groups at:

These are a great way to meet other mums and find out about local services. For example, parents are invited to attend a well baby clinic monthly when their child is between 3 to 12 months old.

Well baby clinics are available at our 3 family hubs:

The 8 to 12-month review

The 8 to 12-month review must be completed by 1 year of age.

This review will assess progress and advise on:

  • health
  • nutrition
  • development
  • safety
  • communication

It will also plan any follow up required, such as supporting any communication and development needs that have been identified.

Speech and language support

Speech and language therapy is also available at this point for any child who may have speech, language and communication differences.

Children's centre activities

Children's centres offer a range of activities.

You can attend:

  • learn and play sessions, which promote talk, singing, play with under 1-year olds
  • baby massage
  • music sessions
  • messy play
  • yoga
  • mindfulness

Find out more about children's centre activites

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