Children's centres

Details and locations of your local children's centres, including services and activities for families with children under 5 years old.

Children's centre activities

Children's centres offer activities for children aged 0 to 5 years old. When you attend a session for the first time, you may need to register with the centre.

Children's centre activity sessions:

  • are free, though sometimes you may have to pay a small fee
  • are inclusive regardless of need
  • may take place online
  • require a booking in advance

Timetables for all activities can be found on the venue pages linked below.

Baby massage

8 weeks to 8 months old

This session helps with reassuring your child with learnt stokes. It can also help with colic and calming your baby as well as a nice way to bond and engage with your baby. Please bring your own oil, such as sunflower or rapeseed oil.

Baby massage is available at:

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Breast feeding and infant feeding specialist appointments

These appointments are available at:

The service is provided through the specialist health visiting team.

Appointment only, call 020 8200 2500

Connect and Babble

New-born to 8 months

These sessions are for parents and carers to:

  • enjoy a safe fun environment
  • meet other new parents
  • share experiences
  • get advice

Parents and carers and babies have space to explore the exciting toys and engage with a singing session.

Connect and Babble is available at Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Giggles and Wiggles

New-born to 8 months

These sessions are for parents and carers to:

  • enjoy a safe fun environment
  • meet other new parents
  • share experiences
  • get advice

Parents and carers and babies have space to explore the exciting toys and engage with a singing session.

Giggles and Wiggles is available at Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Health visitor assessments (new born to 4 years old)

Health visitors support families with children from newborn to 4 years.

This service is available at:

Appointment only, call 020 8200 2500 Option 2 for Health Visiting Teams

Health visitors (new born to 4 years old)

Wednesdays, 1pm to 3pm

This includes breast feeding support which is provided through the health visiting team.

Walk-in or call 020 8753 6070 for more information.

Learn and Play

New-born to 5 years old

Supporting your child's development through play and creative activities. This helps to not only support your child's development but to build their confidence and learning while having fun.

These sessions are available at:

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Little Explorers

New-born to 5 years old

Learn and play session for children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilties). Professionals at hand to offer any support needed.

These sessions are available at:

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Music at Heart - therapeutic music group for mums (and their babies)

For parents (and babies up to 2 years)

Mondays, 1.30pm to 2.15pm at Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre

Music in a supportive space has been discovered to support mothers suffering from low mood and mental health issues. This helps to develop a positive bond with their babies. Session are run by Perinatal Service for parents under this service for babies to 2 years.

These sessions are available at:

Referral only, please talk to your Perinatal Practitioner, Family hub staff, GP or health visitor about access to this group.

OM:POP – yoga and mindfulness for adult and child

OM:POP sessions are available for 3 different age groups:

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Perinatal services

A health visitor specialising in perinatal mental health occasionally attends the baby group at Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre on a Friday morning. She can also support with other health issues with the babies in these sessions.

Individual perinatal services are also available through appointment only at:

Appointment only, call the perinatal team on 0800 328 4444

Singing and music

New-born to 5 years old

This session is available at:

Booking required, call 020 8753 6070

Speech and language assessments and support

Speech and language assessments are available once a month in each centre. An appointment is required through the speech and language service.

For more information, please speak to a member of staff or call the speech and language advice line on 07393 763 508

Speech and language support is also available at a Learn and Play session once a month at each centre, where a speech and language therapist attends. For more information, please ask a member of staff for the days they will be attending the 3 centres.

For low-level speech and language concerns, 'Talk Matters' using Vroom Tips to support your child's language development is available. This is a 1-hour session for parents with their child and is facilitated by the early years team, whilst also supported by a speech and language therapist. Contact the children's centre for more information.

Urban Partnership Group (UPG) children's centre activities

You can download a list of all activities available at UPG children's centres on the UPG website.

UPG run activities at:

Wellbeing for Mums Group

For parents (and babies up to 2 years)

Thursday, 1pm to 2pm at Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre

This is a group hosted by West London Perinatal services. The group is for mums who would like to increase social engagement, reduce isolation, and promote social cohesion in the community Please come and join us.

This session is at Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre

Referral only: Please talk to your Perinatal Practitioner, Family Hub staff, GP or health visitor about access to this group.

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