PfA and support from statutory social care services

Children Looked After (CLA) and care experienced young people

Children Looked After are cared for by the local authority in various settings like children's homes or foster families. They have a care plan outlining their support needs. More info: Looked-after children

CLA Review

A CLA Review is a meeting to check if the care plan meets the young person's needs and make necessary changes. It also prepares them for adulthood. If they have an EHC Plan, reviews are combined when possible.

Planning for leaving care

Care leavers are aged 16-25 and have left local authority care. Hammersmith & Fulham Council recognise "care experienced" as a protected characteristic, ensuring their needs and rights are prioritised. This support includes:

  • preparing for independent living
  • accessing work readiness and employability skills
  • building careers and gaining experience
  • supporting apprenticeships and recruitment

Pathway Plan

A Pathway Plan is an agreement between a young person and children's services to support their journey to independent living. The plan sets out how the young person will be supported by Children's Services to live independently until they feel confident enough to live unsupported. A young person's pathway plan will consider their current circumstances and key achievements to help them in their journey towards independent living. It is created before they turn 16 or within 3 months of entering care if older. The plan is reviewed every 6 months or after significant changes. It allows young people to voice their concerns and influence their support.

Find out more about the Care leavers local offer in Hammersmith & Fulham (

Short breaks

Short breaks provide support for young people with disabilities and their families. They offer opportunities for activities, skill development, friendships, and fun. The type and level of support depend on individual needs.

Types of short breaks:

  • after school, weekend, or holiday activities
  • individual support at home or in the community
  • funds for families to arrange their own support, including direct payments
  • travel assistance for accessing short breaks
  • overnight support

Find out more about Short breaks for Disabled children and young people in Hammersmith & Fulham

Support from adult social care services

The transition between local authority social care services is based on age, level of need and why a young person has been receiving support. It is important that planning for transition is done so that there is plenty of time to get to know the young person and complete assessments so that, if indicated, their adult service provision is in place ready to follow on from that provided through children's services.

Integrated Adult Social Care Transitions Team

The Transitions Team supports young people and their families navigate the pathways from children's provision into adult service. If the young person is already supported by statutory social care services, or indicated they may be as they move into adulthood, they will automatically be referred to the Transitions Team, where an assessment will be completed to inform future support for a successful transition is in place across mental health, learning disabilities and autism services.

The team will:

  • conduct Care Act assessments and creates Adult Care and Support Plans
  • work with young people and families until support is in place
  • work with other professionals to ensure that the wider needs are met
  • remain involved while the young person has an active EHC Plan

If indicated the young person does not meet thresholds for adult social care support, the Transitions Team will help to identify appropriate support and services before ending their involvement.

Care Act, 2014 Assessment

Under the Care Act 2014 local authorities must assess anyone who appears to need care or support. This assessment must:

  • focus on needs and wellbeing
  • involve the person and their carer(s)
  • provide access to an independent advocate
  • consider strengths, capabilities, and available support within the community

Contact the transitions team

If you need advice and support with this area please contact us.

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