This guide outlines the roles and responsibilities of all agencies involved in the transition to adult services. It also details the actions at each stage of the transition showing what services are available and what steps to take to get the help you may need locally. See PfA - what happens and when

The guide has been designed by the Hammersmith and Fulham Local Area Partnership, including social care services, NHS, schools, voluntary and community sector providers, children, young people, and their families. The group is dedicated to help children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) creating a clear and consistent local protocol for transitions.

Our goal is to create a clear and consistent local protocol for transitions. This ensures each organisation's responsibilities are clear, promotes cooperation between organisations, and keeps young people and their families well-informed about what to expect during the transition process. We strive to make every young person's transition into adulthood smooth and straightforward for them and the professionals working with them.

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If you need advice and support with this area please contact us.

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