PfA and being part of the community

Youth projects and services

Transitioning to adulthood can be exciting but challenging. There are many youth projects and services for 11 to 19-year-olds (up to 25 for those with additional needs) offering fun and exciting opportunities. More info: Youth projects, activities and services.

Action on Disability (AoD)

AoD provides accessible activities for young disabled people aged 11-25, including a Youth Club, Junior After-School Club, music projects, holiday projects, the Duke of Edinburgh awards, and volunteering opportunities. More info: Youth Services – Action On Disability

Hammersmith and Fulham Mencap

Offers services for young people with learning disabilities, focusing on skills development and social inclusion. More info: What We Do - HF Mencap.

Holiday activities, youth and holiday clubs

For information about things to do, visit Holiday activities, youth and holiday clubs

Young people and decision making

Young people should be involved in decisions about their future. After age 16, they have the right to make requests and decisions under the Children and Families Act 2014, with support from parents or family members if they choose.

Youth Voice

Hammersmith and Fulham are committed to listening to young people and involving them in shaping the borough. Various groups represent young people. More info: Hammersmith & Fulham Youth Voice.

Making decisions and the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Young people aged 16 or over are presumed to have the capacity to make their own decisions unless proven otherwise. If there are concerns about their capacity, an assessment will be conducted. The Mental Capacity Act provides a framework to protect and empower individuals who may lack capacity. Parents and carers play a significant role in this process. More info: Mental Capacity Act 2005 Easy Read Guide.

Contact the transitions team

If you need advice and support with this area please contact us.

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