About the Local Offer for SEND

What the Local Offer (LO) is and help to access its information, the LO annual report, how we co-produce the LO with residents and decision makers, H&F strategies and plans for SEND.

What is the Local Offer for SEND?

The Local Offer is online information for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years old, with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their families and caregivers.

Special educational needs and disabilities means a child or young person who has a learning difficulty or a disability. The child or young person needs special health and or support with their education, to help them do well.

The Local Offer helps them know where and how to get help to make things less difficult. It includes information about:

  • education, health, and care provision
  • what's on, leisure activities and clubs
  • employment and how to prepare for adult life (transitions to adulthood)
  • financial support and travel care

Every local authority is responsible for providing a Local Offer and supports disabled children and young people to live happy lives and achieve their goals. The local authority must develop the service with families, service providers and professionals. For details see Strategies and plans.

This short video gives information about the Local Offer and how children and young people and their families can get involved in their local area to give their views and opinions on what services should be offered.

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Contact us

To contact us about services for children and young people with SEND and their families and for resources for professionals, email local.offer@lbhf.gov.uk

If you have a specific enquiry about a child with SEND see Contact family hubs and partner services

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