In this section:
- General information for visitors
- Booking a burial and purchasing a grave
- Fees and charges
- What to expect after a burial has taken place
- Frequently asked questions
- Memorials
- Information for funeral directors
- Information for Masons
- Transfer of ownership
- Charter for the bereaved
- Maintenance of graves
- Long grass areas
Grave searches
If you are looking for the grave of a deceased person, we can carry out a search of our cemeteries for you. Please use the online form below to apply for a grave search. There is a charge for this service, details are in the form.
When you click on the application form link below you will be taken to a screen that asks you to log in or register for an account or continue without an account.
Non-UK residents, if you are applying for a grave search and do not live in the UK, please choose 'continue without an account'.
Cemetery office
The office for all four of our cemeteries is located in the middle of North Sheen Cemetery. The opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. We are not currently taking appointments in the cemetery office but are available to contact by phone or email.
Phone: 020 8878 1934
All correspondence should be sent to
North Sheen Cemetery Office
Lower Richmond Road
Surrey TW9 4LL