Transport and mobility

More space to cycle safely

Safer cycle pathways have been established on King Street the Hammersmith Gyratory, and from Du Cane Road to Shepherd’s Bush Green.

The Talgarth Road Green Corridor has emerged as a successful initiative, providing cyclists and pedestrians with a green corridor safeguarded against pollution.

Additionally, the installation of 66 bike hanger units and just over 400 secure cycle spaces aim to further promote cycling, with plans to install an additional 8 cycle hangars and another 20 cycle parking spaces in Coomer Place cycle hub in spring 2024.

Active travel and the cycle hub

The Hammersmith Cycle Hub represents our commitment to providing secure bicycle storage for residents, visitors, and commuters alike.

The hub holds 82 bicycles and three dedicated e-cargo bikes bays. Through initiatives like cycle training programmes and repair sessions, we aim to encourage greater adoption of cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.

Attracting new cyclists has been a priority and since 2022 we have trained 2,357 people to the National Standards for cycling. In addition, we have repaired 1,520 bikes through Dr Bike sessions.

While e-scooters and e-bikes have gained in popularity, efforts are underway to address issues such as pavement dumping, ensuring responsible use of these resources.

Electric vehicles and charging

The growth of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure is central to our commitment to reducing emissions and improving air quality.

The total number of electric vehicles (including hybrids) registered in H&F has grown from 46 in 2013 to 6,453 in 2023.

With a growing network of charging points across the borough, we are making the transition towards sustainable transport, thereby promoting cleaner and healthier streets. We have delivered one of the densest networks of on-street charging points in the country.

There are now 2,970 charging points across the borough – and our network continues to grow. We have also converted 16% of our waste fleet to zero emissions vehicles.

Parcels not pollution

Through initiatives such as the Parcels Not Pollution scheme, we aim to support local businesses in adopting eco-friendly delivery practices.

By incentivising the use of cargo bikes, we seek to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution while promoting sustainable urban logistics.

Since September 2022, we have worked with more than 14 local businesses to use our Parcels Not Pollution scheme.

Find out more about Parcels Not Pollution.

Clean Air Neighbourhood success

Building on the success of our Clean Air Neighbourhood initiatives, we are collaborating with residents to create greener, more pedestrian-friendly urban environments.

Our vision extends beyond merely making the area more attractive. It encompasses a concerted effort to eliminate unnecessary rat running traffic through residential streets, creating safer and more tranquil neighbourhoods.

By prioritising initiatives such as wider footways, traffic calming measures, and increased greenery, we aim to not only reduce congestion but also mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution.

Cleaner air benefits all residents, particularly children. Through these initiatives, we aspire to create healthier and more sustainable communities where residents can thrive and flourish.

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